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The Earl Hellerstein Memorial Web Page

Herein you can find photos and documents relating to the life, death, and memorial service of Earl Hellerstein (born 11 Dec 1920, died 7 September 2009)

The memorial service for Earl Hellerstein was held on the evening of October 11. at the Museum of Science in Boston, MA .
You can view a detailed schedule of the memorial service.
Instead of gifts and flowers, we ask that charitable contributions be sent to Save Darfur, the American Anti-Slavery Group, or to the Earl Hellerstein Fund at the Combined Jewish Philanthrophies. Click here for details on how to contribute
For further information, contact Daniel at
When you click on one of the following links, content will be displayed in a new (popup window), or possibly in a new tab.
The memorial service
Poems, speeches, etc
Copies of
paper documents
I scanned a slew of documents, including diplomas, birth certificate (that contains a funny glitch), army discharge, and house related stuff. It is roughly organized, so you will need a bit of patience and some thought to figure it out.
Please contact me (Daniel) at if you have any material you would like to add.

Family members only: miscellaneous notes