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Family photos

June 05 hike in Pennsylvania (Pine Grove Furnace)
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P1010022 P1010023 P1010024 P1010025 P1010026 P1010027 P1010028 P1010029 P1010030 P1010031 P1010032 P1010033 P1010034 P1010035 P1010036 P1010037 P1010038 P1010039 P1010040 P1010041 P1010042 P1010043 P1010044 P1010045 P1010046 P1010047 P1010048 P1010049 P1010050 P1010052 P1010053 P1010054 P1010055 P1010056

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Movie of the rattlesnake

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These photos were uploaded on 06/20/05 01:07:38